YSAPC Monthly meeeting, April 5th, 3:30-5 pm at Lifeworks

ysaplogoSmallA reminder that the Travis County Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition is meeting the first Tuesday of April.

When:  April 5, 2016
Time:    3:30-5pm
Location:  LifeWorks East Site, 835 N. Pleasant Valley Rd

During the meeting, sector representatives will be introduced and an update will be given on the Drug Free Communities (DFC) grant application submission.  Members will also review 12-month action plan and choose three to four strategies to focus on in groups for the months between April and September with sector leads serving as leaders of work groups.   Refreshments will be also be provided to celebrate the submission of the Drug Free Communities grant proposal and all the hard work everyone put into making this process a success. In addition, we will also take time to thank Kelly, Sam, and Leela for all their extraordinary work on the grant proposal. Without their dedication and time the submission process would not have been as smooth as it was.


Travis County Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
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