Webinar, Feb. 21, 11 am: “Creating a Culture of Compassion and Action in Response to the Opioid Crisis”

Register here.  

Feb. 21, Noon to 1 p.m. (ET) —  Faith-based and community leaders — and their members — are uniquely poised to offer acceptance, empathy, and long-term support to those struggling with addiction or on the journey of recovery. However, old conventions about addiction, fear and misinformation can often challenge a community’s supportive response to these individuals and their families — often when they need it most.

A pastor in West Virginia once noted, “Faith communities are not neutral bystanders: What they don’t say is just as important as what they do say.”   

Please join the HHS Partnership Center, Kay Warren, co-founder of Saddleback Church, and Marla Kaufman, founder of the Jewish Addiction Awareness Network, and learn ways to offer a compassionate invitation that clearly affirms that the work of recovery belongs in your community.

Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7265929465287313410

Bit.ly Link: http://bit.ly/cfbnp-022118


Travis County Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
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