Proposal for SUD Project

Travis County Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (TCYSAPC) Proposal for SUD Pilot Project:

  1. Targeted, Comprehensive Substance Abuse Program Model
  • Pilot comprehensive substance abuse programming at 2-3 school campuses in Travis County (as identified in COH’s latest findings on youth substance use)
  • Use Crystal Collier’s Choices Program model:
  • provide universal, selective and indicated prevention services at each identified campus
  • saturate youth, parents and school staff with same information
  • include root causes of substance abuse in prevention efforts
  • promote mental health and wellness
  • address multiple high risk behaviors
  • administer Youth Risk Behavior Study (YRBS) surveys to identify high risk behavior trends each school year and to adjust programming efforts for next school year
  • provide effective professional development on youth substance abuse
  1. Alternative Peer Groups
  • Encourage coordination between existing alternative peer groups, such as between UT Center for Students in Recovery and University High School
  • Support scholarships for Teen & Family Services (TAFS)
  • Expand services for Palmer Drug Abuse Program (PDAP)
  1. Mentoring
  • Reach out to network of organizations that already provide mentoring programs
  • Provide mentoring during school day, out of school time, and out in community
  • Identify student leaders to promote mental wellness and talk about mental health issues
  • Utilize Peer Recovery Support Coaches
  • Design mentoring programs that pair mentors-mentees close in age (adult with young adult, college with high school, high school with upper elementary)
  1. Parent Engagement
  • Engage campus PTAs
  • Engage other parent groups, such as Project Graduation
  • Attend and speak at parent/principal coffees at schools
  • Provide family support and adult education
  • Engage neighborhood associations
  1. Promotion of Substance Abuse Resources
  • Promote information about resources available in Austin and Travis County (Phoenix House, Palmer Drug Abuse Program, Teen & Family Services, Council on Recovery, Memorial –Hermann IOP)
  • Maintain and ensure commitment by ATCIC to the Substance Use Services Inventory for Travis County

Notes from SUD Meeting on Dec. 3, 2016: Community Advisory Team reviewed and recommended that we pursue the Targeted, Comprehensive Substance Abuse Program Model. Sam Woollard suggested YSAPC contact Joel Ferguson, Council on Recovery in Austin, who is very familiar with Dr. Collier’s program, and he and Stephanie spoke. Cost is $100,000/year/campus for the program. Each campus has a clinician who is not employed by the school district. The Advisory Team suggested we move to the Who, What, When, Where, How of implementation. Sam Woollard suggested YSAPC contact campus principals at identified campuses and Michelle at AISD Office of Innovation & Development.